Wednesday, December 8, 2010


A pop sensation giving rise to Dice &K9 through her steamy vocal sinew is now creating her own storyboard with her new album “Body Talk.” The album features pop-oriented pieces melded together with her sexy voice, besides that she's really is sexy. Hi-C is (perhaps) a daring and bold young blood out there in the wild. Hi-C besides singing has gone to many ventures; such as posing to some other magazines asserting how comely she is at bare essentials, besides the voice that her gets even with it.

Here's more of Hi-C and her album talking...

How did you prepare for your solo album?
Being part of “DiCE & k9 aka MOBBSTARR” really prepared me for it.

How do you personally define the music your playing now?

What were some of the influences in the creation of your solo album?
DiCE & k9 aka MOBBSTARR, Madonna, M.I.A., and Britney Spears

Is there a particular artist that made you want to go solo?
I was a solo artist before DiCE & k9 aka MOBBSTARR

How long were you in the studio for this record?
Some of the songs were recorded 2005, since it’s supposed to be released that year (but since there’s more demand for the group, we didn’t really gave my album a deadline) for the past 4 years I have recorded few songs thus BODY TALK is like a compilation my “favorites” among all the songs I did.

With all the songs included on the album which one is the most challenging for you to record?
Maybe those songs I have recorded outside ‘our” studio like Watchin Me, Physical to name few because I'm not in my comfort zone but song wise, I didn’t really have a problem since the songs are made for me, its like custom fit.

How your album does reflect your personality?
It’s a sexy album; do I have to say more?

What are the criteria/s you need on what songs are fit for the album?
No criteria really, as I've said they are my top picks among those I have recorded

How difficult for you to record an album without your former band mates around?
They are around because they produced my songs.

What prompted you to make a solo album?
I guess it’s time for the world to see me, just me hahahahaha!

How this album challenge you as a singer?
The challenge is doing songs that no one ever did locally.

What can your fans from your former group and the new ones expect from your solo effort?
There’s a lot of me here, since it’s my “solo effort”

What's the most important thing Dice & K9 experiences has taught you?
Don't be afraid of taking risks or of being criticized.

Being a solo artist now, how do you envision yourself in the future?
Doing what I love most, making music

How do the songs reflect the changes after leaving Dice & K9?
I didn’t leave the group. I'm still part of the group. And you guys better watch out for the groups next release.


Special Thanks to: Pinoy Song Magazine

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