Sunday, January 9, 2011


He is almost a stereotype in the acoustic OPM scene when it comes to playing acoustic guitar and jiving with it through.

If he would be crowned, he would be a king of the local acoustic industry. Rather, he would prefer grounded, enabling him to see great small things that crucially builds up his success in the long run.

His new album “In You” is another hot pan of success that would be sizzling hot on record bars. This time again he would be sizing up his success, again and again...

Aside from guitars, do you know how to play any musical instruments?
Drums and percussions, bass, piano

What's your first instrument? Do you remember your very first one?
A guitar. Yes, it was a lumanog owned by my mom!

What was your first “real” musical instrument like?
It was a gibson EM-2 ... my first ever big-ticket (for me, at least) guitar! My dad bought it for me!

How did other instruments make it into your life growing up?
Got exposed to drums and piano in high school... learned by mimicking others who play them.

You've been in the music scene for quite some time now. How do you think that's affected the kind of musician you are?
I believe I’ve improved a lot by being exposed to the masters of the industry. It’s great havin’ the privilege to see how great musicians work and be able to ask and learn from them first hand.

What's your first memory of someone else's music changing your life?
Kenny Rankin made my guitar playing the way it is today. I may not know much, but most of what I do know definitely came from him!

How did those records shape who you are as a musician?
My whole theory (if there are any) and musical perception uses them as a foundation not only in my playing but in my writing as well..

Who were your music heroes as a kid?
Vai and Satch, Billy Joel, Kenny Rankin, Tuck Andress, Ceasar Aguas, Noel Mendez

When you dealt with tough situations growing up, how much of a role did music play in helping you get through them?
It was Home! Music and Religion were the places I can always seek comfort and refuge from! still are!

What kept you pursuing a career in music?
Just the right blessings at the right time!

How important was music in your upbringing?
Very! It defined me...

What advice do you have for people searching for an artist to inspire them?
If it makes you happy, that’s probably it!

What's your ultimate objective as a vocalist and as a songwriter?
To share and inspire

For the some writers the motivation is that burden that you have to get what's inside of you out and down on paper. How is it with you?
Probably the same thing...

Was writing something that'd you'd always wanted to do?
It’s something I think I always knew how to do

Are there new bands/artists you think are worth bringing to attention?

Any tips for making live performances sound good?
Be sincere. Actually care that you have an audience in front of you.

What kind of practice regimen do you keep?
Just always have the hunger to express and you’ll find yourself practicing nonchalantly in the oddest of time and places

What particular song you'd like to be associated with and why?
“Everything I own” by Bread. Its just beautiful!

Any advice for beginning musicians?
Begin, then don’t stop!

What can we expect from you for this year?
Just started to re-create our sound (Grab our new album “In You”)! Much more to come real soon!

TOP 5 Albums to play along to:

1. Oasis (What's the Story) Morning Glory?

2. Oasis “Be here now”

3. Agot Isidro “Hush”

4. Jason Mraz “ We sing, We Dance, we steal things”

5. Joe Satriani “ The Extremist”


Especial thanks to: Pinoy Song Magazine

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